The Dresden Philharmonic is set to open its season with a unique program led by its new chief conductor and artistic director Marek Janowski. The program will include The Four Sacred Songs by Verdi and Luigi Dallapicola’s “Canti di prigionia.” …
Iwona’s Sobotka debut at the Perth Festival in Barie Kosky’s aclaimed production of The Magic Flute has been praised widely in the media. “The woman Tamino falls desperately in love with is Pamina, sung beautifully by Soprano Iwona Sobotka on …
Iwona Sobotka was the star of the evening, her full, luscious soprano a treat to hear: her heartrending “Ach, ich fühl's” was one of the highlights of the evening.
All the singers were great and apparently enjoyed the playfulness of the staging - and in the same tame were completely serious about their vocal production. In this evenly very good cast, Iwona Sobotka still stood out: she got a well-deserved ovation at the end of the show.
Iwona Sobotka in the role of Pamina sang surprisingly powerfully, and it was certainly a good contribution to this character.
Iwona Sobotka as Pamina presented perfect technique paired with natural playfulness. Just as Papageno, she was also able to feel the intention of the stage director. Not only her vocal production was impressive, but also with her stage presence and acting. She was able to paraphrase the star of silent cinema, Claudette Colbert.